Putting What Where: A vintage book review of for GIRLS only by Dr. Frank Howard Richardson (1953)

Vintage sex education manuals for young people were silly and ignorant back then. We’re much better now. Right?

Why am I writing about a seventy-year-old sex education manual? Everybody knows they were conservative back then, and that lapses of information were more the norm than the exception. It would be like writing a movie review of a typical sword-and-sandal Bible epic like King of Kings (1961), which features literal enactments of the New Testament. So why bother? The cockeyed ideas in for GIRLS only certainly couldn’t still be with us today. We’re so much more enlightened now. Or are we? Let’s look into it. Continue reading “Putting What Where: A vintage book review of for GIRLS only by Dr. Frank Howard Richardson (1953)”

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